Communities get real results from their shop local campaigns by driving shoppers to an exciting, interactive website where they can purchase goods, services and gift certificates. It's one thing to tell people to shop local but the key to real results is to enable shoppers to follow through with their wallets in a safe and easy to use online shopping environment containing things they want to purchase from their favorite local businesses.

Market fragmentation is overcome by blanketing the community with signs, stickers and billboards that encourage residents to shop locally and spend their money within the community instead of on or another town or city.

A call-to-action ShopCity domain name that requires no further explaining and is easy to repeat and remember allows campaign managers to take advantage of the most targeted traffic available - real world traffic that connects with people where they live.

By bringing local shoppers and local businesses together in a ShopCity marketplace money is more likely to be spent locally, within the community. This generates sales tax revenue and improves local employment conditions, creating more wealth that can be used to fund community initiatives and keep property taxes lower.

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